Things Change

When Niko(myrddin) showed up at Slice Pizzeria, it was nice to see the gang together reconnecting on a personal level. Niko(myrddin) however felt pressed for time and Finn(merlin) felt it necessary to be cautious meeting so publicly. It was a great frustration for Niko(myrddin). It wasn't easy to make friends, knowing the impact they could have on the timeline which wasn't their natural place, and not being able to be yourself with others, always hiding and keeping things close vested made their friendship with one another very valuable.

The new dynamic between them seemed to change who was with who, they all felt they needed to catch up on some things to remain good friends. Gwen(Guinevere) and Lance(Lancelot) told Myrddin and Merlin that through their journey in having to protect the secret of Arthur and Excalibur, they became very close and felt very attracted to each other, and wanted to pursue a relationship, but hadn't out of respect for Arthur. Myrddin was taken back at the implications it could have if Gwen didn't remain the queen, and Arthur's wife.

Time travel had changed the dynamics between them, and they didn't know what would happen if Gwen and Lance got together. They discussed this to all ends, and feared what would happen. Did time travel nullify their marriage? How were they suppose to move forward? They all felt like different people from where they were from. If their marriage was nullified then what was the point
Of committing to protect Arthur and The Excalibur?

Myrddin in herself wanted to grant them leave to pursue a relationship because She had always loved Arthur, and Merlin was their son, and what The Lord had shown her about Arthur marrying another, had already come to pass and served it's purpose in that era. What now?

Myrddin was so distraught over what was unfolding, none of them felt like they had any control over what could happen, so Merlin had an idea, he said, Myrddin and I will go into the future to see what will happen if we don't interfere with the vial of blood involved in the case, and if we don't keep the two of you from moving forward with your relationship. Let's see what happens!

Myrddin agreed and so did Lance and Gwen.


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