
When Myrddin and Merlin leave the Slice Pizzeria, she tells Merlin of some concerns she has about going into the future. She thinks they need to pray more about it and wait till they hear back from the Lord, so Merlin agrees.

It's best to not get ahead of the Lord, or try to do something without his counsel. They both realized that this new era made it easy to do things yourself without seeking God first. In their timeline, they wouldn't think to consider doing anything without first seeking God, but with so much information and technology, it made it easy to seek direction in decision making via computer as apposed to spending time in prayer. They both realized they needed to keep a balance or they would become like
everyone else with no new revelation or power.

Meanwhile, Gwen and Lance finish their dinner and conversation about their relationship, whether they should really allow themselves to give in to what they want, as apposed to what may be right.

Their heart wasn't to sin, especially against their King, and that's what made it so difficult, because if they pursued a relationship with each other, it meant that Arthur was no long someone they Considered King and their loyalty to Him and the crown would be forsaken and betrayed.

They spent so much time protecting Arthur and the sword, ultimately they felt that the sword was a living reminder that their sworn duty was still presently valid. So after much discussion, they both came to a conclusion that there feelings for each other would have to be repented of, because Gwen was still married to Arthur, even if He wasn't aware.

Marriage is more than an emotionally charged relationship, sometimes it's about the commitment to each other and the loyalty, no matter the personal reservations. Sometimes your heart can betray you
and your convictions.

When Merlin and Myrddin got home, they find a guy waiting for them. When they ask him who he was, he introduced himself as Enoch.

Enoch explains how he was the Enoch written about in the Bible, and in historical record. He then continues to explain that He and a small group of individuals known as the Remnant of the Realm were brought to this time to prepare the way for King Arthur's return. 

Merlin and Myrddin listened to what the man had to say, as God confirmed to them in their Spirit that Enoch was who he said he is.

Enoch informed them, that if Arthur was to be made known to the world without their help, He would be received in the wrong way, not seen as the rightful King, but instead seen as a threat to all that has been established in the world, Kingdoms would fall, and there would be a complete upheaval of the current royal lines. Governments would have all the power to try to put an end to Him. Our Solemn duty is to protect the secret of Arthur and when the time is right, reveal Him to the world.

Merlin then asked "how will you be able to prevent the governments from coming after Him when He is revealed."

Enoch smiled, "We have been here a long time Merlin, and with that advantage we have been able to integrate into the established governments, when the time comes we will be able to protect Him and ensure His safety."

Myrddin nodded and then asked, "While all of this is important, right now Arthur has no idea who He is, and we have no idea yet, how to wake Him up, to remember who He is."

Enoch then tells them, "there will be a day, soon, when Arthur is awakened, when Arthur touches the sword out of necessity."

And them Merlin shaking his Head says, "any idea when that will be?"

Enoch smiles and says, "You know how it is with the Lord, everything in it's proper time."

Merlin face palms.

Enoch then interjects "before I forget, please tell Guinevere and Lancelot, that it is okay for them to pursue their feelings for each other, because Her vows were fulfilled when Arthur, and she was given a new purpose as the Lady of the Lake, Guardian of Excalibur.

Merlin and Myrddin both exhaled in relief and gratitude, telling him. "Thank You!"

And with that Enoch vanished.


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