
After Niko spoke with Gwen, giving her the heads up on the blood vial of Arthur, and the Scientist
body had been autopsied by Finn (Merlin) and Aprentized, Finn called Niko letting her know that He called Xypher with the Code that had also been found on the Scientist.

Cypher called Niko confirming the code matching the Communication between the Scientist and the meta-human victim. Xypher found cyptocurrecy payments between them and one other addressed to the Scientist. Xypher asked Niko for her and David to meet him in front of the precinct.

When they arrived, Xypher introduced himself to David and got to the point; which was Xyphers
way, very focused. Xypher told David that he suspected that the other cyptocurrecy address belonged to Warren Pierce, but he was going to need a warrant so C.I.R.T could gather information from his home computer as well as the company's computers.

David got on the phone and spoke to his Captain. and informed him of The details of the case and let him know he needed a search warrant. His Captain told him to tread carefully but stall him while he gets on the phone, the Captain Told him to give him half an hour to obtain the warrant, and he would have it delivered on site.

Niko was just glad that the vial of blood was not the primary thing in the investigation and she didn't even need to do anything since she gave it to Gwen and Gwen gave it to Lance to protect it.

Meanwhile, Xypher and David got to know each other a little while they waited, giving the Captain the time he needed to obtain the warrant. Niko got a text message from Finn asking about the vial, and she told him they were in the clear.

When they finally made it to Pierce Corp. they caught Warren on the way out
of his office and they handed him the warrant, as the C.I.R.T.  went in and seized his computers both there and at his house.

Xypher was able to obtain everything he needed and confirm his suspicion about the 3rd Crypto-currency address, and traced it back to Warren' home computer. They issued another warrant and arrested him at his condo.


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