Under Arrest...

The Detective and Myrddin made their way to Pierce Tech to arrest Warren Pierce, for his connection to the ongoing Meta-Human murder case and for probable cause. Detective David Carpenter feeling a
strong sense of Justice and pride in the job well done, was ready for the arrest of his career.

David turned to Myrddin aka Niko, and said "I have been trying to bring this man up on charges for the longest time, there has always been something off about him, and all of us at the department knew he was up to no good. Now we may have finally gotten him."

Myrdin could sense however that something was wrong, while she understood the need to arrest Warren, she also knew there was more to this case and that this might not work out as planned.

David and Niko approached the receptionist and asked "Is your boss in the office today?"

The receptionist, smiled "If you are referring to Mr. Pierce, then yes he is in, and is in a meeting, would you like to make an appointment?"

David smiled and showed his badge, and said "no thank you, we need to speak with him immediately."

The receptionist calls to inform Warren of the situation and so David and Niko head to the top floor to  place him under arrest. David reads him his rights and walks him to the elevator.

Warren smiles and says "It sure is convenient that the police headquarters is right next door, we don't even need a car to bring me in."

David slightly annoyed at the remark, focuses on the task at hand, just minutes away from the police station. Niko however could not shake the feeling that the case was not going to finish as they expected it to. 

David responds to Warren "Yes! I'm supprised we haven't brought you in more often, just for sport."


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