The Final Battle

Merlin arrives on the Battlefield, looking around he sees Arthur and his Army of Knights ready to face off against Vortigern. Just as Merlin tries to breach next to Arthur, The Lord stops Him from doing so. Merlin tries and tries again as the battle progresses, but to no avail. Merlin begs the Lord to allow him to help, but the Lord says "This is not your battle my child, this battle belongs to Arthur."

Arthur and His men begin tearing through as many as of Vortigern' men as they can, but start to notice many of them are not dying, seemingly invulnerable to their attacks. Arthur begins to worry for his men as he witnesses many of them fall off their horses to their death.

Meanwhile Sensing a great evil, Merlin focuses on Vortigern, trying to see what he has done, noticing a spell being placed on Vortigern' men, Merlin begins to worry. The Lord tells Merlin "Extend your arm, and see my will be done." Merlin extends his arm and sees a bright light move like a wave to the front of every single Knight in Arthur' army. Revealing an army of Angels protecting Arthur' men.

As Vortigern sends His second battalion of soldiers to the front, the Angels of the Lord deflect every attack and begin to tear through Vortigern' spell, allowing Arthur and his men to destroy Vortigern' Army of darkness little by little.

Vortigern notices His numbers dwindling and so He reaches for his magic staff and imbues it with the remaining power of His fallen wife as well as all of His own. Transforming his staff into a spear, Vortigern hurls it toward Arthur with all His strength.

Arthur sees Vortigern and rides toward Him and as the spear begins to reach Him, time slows down all around as Arthur leaps into the air with His sword Excalibur raised, and as he comes down, the pressure of His blade shatters Vortigern' Spear. Vortigern in fear of what was about to happen, sees His life flash before his eyes, when suddenly Arthur pierces His sword through Vortigern' chest, Killing Vortigern where he stood.

Arthur and his men stand witness as all of Vortigern' magic fades and His men' injuries take hold of them. Leaving only Arthur and His Knights alive on the battlefield.

Arthur raises his sword along with His men giving the glory of the battle to God.

Suddenly Arthur collapses on the ground, and as it happens Merlin is finally allowed to breach next to Him. Merlin kneels next to his father and removes his hood, Arthur smiles as he finally sees the face of His child. Arthur then tells Merlin "Good to see you Son" Suddenly Myrddin emerges from a breach and stands next to Arthur.

Arthur looks at Myrddin and smiles, then says to Merlin "Listen to your mother, and never forget, God Loves you."

Suddenly Arthur's body begins to ascend and vanishes into the sky, as he is taken into the Heavenlies.
In that moment Myrddin and Merlin are reminded of the deaths of Elijah, Moses and Enoch, when none of them physically died, but the Lord took their body. until such time the Lord would need them to return.

Myrddin opens another breach to the Monastery and picks up Arthur' sword then tells Merlin, "time for us to go." Merlin stands and walks to Lancelot, then tells Him "Take care of Camelot, when the time comes, Arthur will return." Merlin then anoints Lancelot the King' Hand, making Lancelot the Immortal protector of Camelot.

Merlin then walks through the breach with his Mother and closes it behind them.

Upon their arrival at the Monastery, Merlin and Myrddin find Guinevere praying, they then entrust her with Excalibur, and remind to guard it with Her life, until such time that it could be returned to Arthur' hands.


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