The Story Begins...

A long time ago, in a village in ancient Albion, lived a young girl and boy. These two destined for a life greater than they could possibly know begin their story as friends. The girl' name was Myrddin and the Boy was Arthur. They grew up together playing in the nearby woods, without thought of who they were or who they would one day become.

Myrddin and Arthur were inseparable, and at times reckless. one day Arthur was playing near an old oak tree and out of nowhere a gust of wind knocked a branch off the old oak tree causing it to fall overhead. Arthur not knowing the branch was bound to land Him is caught by surprise when Myrrdin spots the branch falling and stops it mid-air. Myrddin then guides slowly toward the ground away from Arthur.

In shock Arthur, looks at Myrrdin and says 'how did you do that!?' 'is that magic I just witnessed you using?' Myrrdin worriedly tells Arthur; no, magic is impure and comes at a price, this power I've used comes from God. Arthur still slightly confused asks; which God? Myrddin smiles and says 'The God of your Father and great uncle Joseph." Arthur smiles with understanding "Oh! Why did my family never tell me of such great power?"

Myrddin answers; God uses his prophets, like myself. Not everyone' the same. And God will use you and speak to you in a different ways.

Arthur thanked Myrddin for protecting Him from harm, and they returned home before sundown. Neither Myrddin nor Arthur spoke again about what happened that day in the woods. for fear of Myrrdin' life as not everyone believed as she did.


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